function CompFile(const f1,f2: string): Boolean; var fs1,fs2: TFileStream; ms: TMemoryStream; i,p: Integer; b1,b2: Byte; begin Result := False; if not (FileExists(f1) and FileExists(f2)) then Exit; fs1 := TFileStream.Create(f1, fmOpenRead); fs2 := TFileStream.Create(f2, fmOpenRead); if fs1.Size <> fs2.Size then begin fs1.Free; fs2.Free; Exit; end; Result := True; Randomize; for i := 0 to 9 do begin p := Random(fs1.Size); fs1.Position := p; fs2.Position := p; fs1.ReadBuffer(b1,1); fs2.ReadBuffer(b2,1); if b1 <> b2 then begin Result := False; Break; end; end; fs1.Free; fs2.Free; end;