下面大家将会看到的是一个极其简单而又极其复杂的“迷宫”,这无疑是我在本年度见到的最变态的谜题:从左边入口处的 2011 进去,在迷宫里转悠,最后变成 2012 从右边出来。你可以在迷宫里转圈,可以重复之前走过的路,但不能往回退着走。
Start at 2011. By moving through the maze and doing any arithmetic operations you encounter, exit the maze with a result of 2012. You may pass through an operation several times, but not twice in a row.
plus7,div2,mul3,min5=(‘+ 7′,’/ 2′,’* 3′,’- 5′) left,middle,right=range(3) class node: pre_node=None pre_opr=None pre_pos=None this_node=None def __init__(self,value,opr,pos): self.value=value self.opr=opr self.pos=pos def hash(self): return self.value*157+ord(self.opr[0])*3+self.pos def next(self): list=self._next() for child in list: child.pre_node=self.this_node child.pre_opr=self.opr child.pre_pos=self.pos return list def _next(self): if self.opr==plus7: child_var=self.value+7 if self.pos==left: return node(child_var,div2,middle),node(child_var,mul3,middle),node(child_var,min5,middle) elif self.pos==middle: return node(child_var,div2,left), elif self.opr==div2: if self.value&1: return tuple() child_var=int(self.value)//2 if self.pos==left: return node(child_var,plus7,middle),node(child_var,mul3,middle),node(child_var,min5,middle) elif self.pos==middle: return node(child_var,plus7,left), elif self.opr==mul3: child_var=int(self.value*3) if self.pos==middle: return node(child_var,min5,right), elif self.pos==right: return node(child_var,plus7,middle),node(child_var,div2,middle),node(child_var,min5,middle) elif self.opr==min5: child_var=self.value-5 if self.pos==middle: return node(child_var,mul3,right), elif self.pos==right: return node(child_var,plus7,middle),node(child_var,div2,middle),node(child_var,mul3,middle) node1=node(2011,plus7,left) tree=[node1,] hashlist=set([node1.hash(),]) i=0 while not (tree[i].pos==right and tree[i].value==2012): tree[i].this_node=i result=tree[i].next() for item in result: hashitem=item.hash() if hashitem in hashlist: continue else: tree.append(item) hashlist.add(hashitem) i+=1 #if i%100==0: # print(i,tree[i].pos,tree[i].value) print(‘Tried’,i,’times!’) list=[] while tree[i].pre_node: list.append(i) i=tree[i].pre_node list.append(0) list.reverse() for i in range(len(list)-1): print(tree[list[i]].value,tree[list[i]].opr,’=',tree[list[i+1]].value)
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys todo=[(2011,1,'+7',[])] state=0 while(todo): newtodo=[] for num, state, cmd, history in todo: # print num, state, cmd, history history=list(history) if cmd==’+7′: history.append(‘+7′) num+=7 elif cmd==’/2′: history.append(‘/2′) num/=2 elif cmd==’-5′: history.append(‘-5′) num-=5 else: history.append(‘*3′) num*=3 if num==2012: print history sys.exit(0) if state==0: if cmd==’+7′: if(num%2==0): newtodo.append((num,1,’/2′,history)) else: newtodo.append((num,1,’+7′, history)) elif state==1: if cmd==’+7′: if(num%2==0): newtodo.append((num,0,’/2′,history)) newtodo.append((num,2,’*3′,history)) newtodo.append((num,2,’-5′,history)) elif cmd==’/2′: newtodo.append((num,0,’+7′,history)) newtodo.append((num,2,’*3′,history)) newtodo.append((num,2,’-5′,history)) elif cmd==’*3′: newtodo.append((num,0,’+7′,history)) if(num%2==0): newtodo.append((num,0,’/2′,history)) newtodo.append((num,2,’-5′,history)) else: newtodo.append((num,0,’+7′,history)) if(num%2==0): newtodo.append((num,0,’/2′,history)) newtodo.append((num,2,’*3′,history)) elif state==2: if cmd==’*3′: newtodo.append((num,1,’-5′,history)) else: newtodo.append((num,1,’*3′,history)) todo=newtodo
#encoding=utf-8 table = ['+', '*', '/', '-'] hasmethod = 0 def calc(method, cursum, curmethods, leftright): global hasmethod desmethod = [] if hasmethod: return if method == ‘+’: cursum += 7 curmethods += ‘+’ if cursum % 2 == 0: desmethod.append(‘/’) if leftright == ‘r’: desmethod.append(‘*’) desmethod.append(‘-’) elif method == ‘*’: cursum *= 3 curmethods += ‘*’ if leftright == ‘l’: if cursum % 2 == 0: desmethod.append(‘/’) desmethod.append(‘+’) desmethod.append(‘-’) elif method == ‘-’: cursum -= 5 curmethods += ‘-’ if leftright == ‘l’: if cursum % 2 == 0: desmethod.append(‘/’) desmethod.append(‘+’) desmethod.append(‘*’) elif method == ‘/’: cursum /= 2 curmethods += ‘/’ desmethod.append(‘+’) if leftright == ‘r’: desmethod.append(‘*’) desmethod.append(‘-’) if cursum == 2012: ensuremethod(curmethods) curmethods = curmethods.replace(‘+’, ‘+7 ‘) curmethods = curmethods.replace(‘-’, ‘-5 ‘) curmethods = curmethods.replace(‘*’, ‘*3 ‘) curmethods = curmethods.replace(‘/’, ‘/2 ‘) print curmethods hasmethod = 1 elif len(curmethods) < 30: #防止递归调用层次过深 for m in desmethod: curleftright = leftright #控制方向,从左进还是从右进 if (m in ['+', '/'] and method in ['+', '/']) or (m in ['*', '-'] and method in ['*', '-']): curleftright = ‘r’ if leftright == ‘l’ else ‘l’ calc(m, cursum, curmethods, curleftright) def ensuremethod(methodstr): print methodstr print len(methodstr) s = 2011 str0 = ” for i in methodstr: strs = str(s) if i == ‘+’: s += 7 str0 = ‘+7′ elif i == ‘-’: s -= 5 str0 = ‘-5′ elif i == ‘*’: s *= 3 str0 = ‘*3′ elif i == ‘/’: s /= 2 str0 = ‘/2′ print ‘%s%s=%d’ % (strs, str0, s) print s hasmethod = 0 calc(‘+’, 2011, ”, ‘r’)