{ 防止刷新时闪烁的终极解决办法(对付双缓冲无效时) } Perform($000B, 0, 0); //锁屏幕 防止闪烁 // 做一些会发生严重闪烁的事情.. //解锁屏幕并重画 Perform($000B, 1, 0); RedrawWindow(Handle, nil, 0, RDW_FRAME + RDW_INVALIDATE + RDW_ALLCHILDREN + RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT);
//图片上显示透明的文字 //直接用.Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsClear; //然后.Canvas.TextOut(x,y,'文字显示透明'); procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var bitBuf:TBitmap; begin bitBuf := TBitmap.Create; try bitbuf.LoadFromFile('测试图片.bmp'); Self.Canvas.Draw(0,0,bitbuf); bitbuf.Transparent := True; bitbuf.TransparentColor := clWhite; //文字显示透明 bitbuf.Canvas.font.color := clBlue; //文字颜色 bitbuf.Canvas.TextOut(10,10,'这样就是透明的字了!'); Self.Canvas.Draw(0,0,bitbuf); finally bitBuf.Free; end; end;
//取得本地IP地址(精简版) //注:使用函数前需要 WSAStartup($202, wsdata); function GetLocalIP(): String; var HostName: array[0..255] of Char; HostEnt: PHostEnt; begin Result := ''; if gethostname(HostName, 255) = 0 then begin HostEnt := gethostbyname(HostName); Result := StrPas(inet_ntoa(PInAddr(PInAddr(HostEnt^.h_addr_list)^)^)); end; end;
// 在程序中加上这句,当退出时会报告内存泄漏 ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;
// 首先加入.RC文件,写上 MyDLL DAT testDLL.dll // 然后程序里 ExtractRes('DAT','MyDLL','123DLL.dll'); procedure ExtractRes(ResType, ResName, ResNewName:String); var Res:TResourceStream; begin Res:=TResourceStream.Create(Hinstance, Resname, Pchar(ResType)); try Res.SavetoFile('.\'+ResNewName); // 释放到当前目录 finally Res.Free; end; end;
// 模仿VB里DoEvents的延时 procedure Delay(const uDelay: DWORD); var n: DWORD; begin n := GetTickCount; while ( (GetTickCount - n) <= uDelay ) do Application.ProcessMessages; end;
7.标准C中的 itoa() 函数Delphi版,将Int型变量转化为(radix)进制输出
//二进制 itoa(i, 2); //八进制 itoa(i, 8); //十六进制 itoa(i, 16); function itoa(aData, radix: Integer): String; var t: Integer; begin Result := ''; repeat t := aData mod radix; if t < 10 then Result := InttoStr(t)+Result else Result := InttoHex(t, 1)+Result; aData := aData div radix; until (aData = 0); end;
// 利用批处理文件构造一个循环,只要在 OnClose() 中调用 DeleteMe() 就可以删除自身 procedure DeleteMe(); var BatchFile: TextFile; BatchFileName: string; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; StartUpInfo: TStartupInfo; begin BatchFileName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + '_deleteme.bat'; AssignFile(BatchFile, BatchFileName); Rewrite(BatchFile); Writeln(BatchFile, ':try'); Writeln(BatchFile, 'del "' + ParamStr(0) + '"'); Writeln(BatchFile, 'if exist "' + ParamStr(0) + '"' + ' goto try'); Writeln(BatchFile, 'del %0'); CloseFile(BatchFile); FillChar(StartUpInfo, SizeOf(StartUpInfo), $00); StartUpInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartUpInfo.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(BatchFileName), nil, nil, False, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartUpInfo, ProcessInfo) then begin CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); end; end;
{ Automatically start a service after using /Install or /Uniinstall switch In the service unit add these statements before the 'end.' statement. To automatically start or stop the service during install or uninstall Tested only on Win2k and WinXP Change the 'myservice' in both WinExec statements to your own service name. } // 在Service的初始化和结束部分加入如下代码: initialization if (ParamCount >= 1) and (CompareText('/uninstall',ParamStr(1))=0) then begin // 如果是卸载,先停止服务。注意修改 myservice 为你的服务名 WinExec('cmd.exe /c net stop myservice', sw_hide); sleep(3000); end; finalization if (ParamCount >= 1) and (CompareText('/Install',ParamStr(1))=0) then // 用 net start 执行服务 WinExec('cmd.exe /c net start myservice',sw_hide); end.
procedure TMyService1.ServiceAfterInstall(Sender: TService); var MyReg: TRegistry; begin MyReg := TRegistry.Create; try with MyReg do begin RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; { Service1是服务的名字,注意修改成你自己的 } if Openkey('SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Service1', true) then WriteString('Description', '你自己的服务描述...'); CloseKey; end; finally MyReg.Free; end; end;
比如伪装装成这样:Security Debug Manager (仿Security Accounts Manager)