unit ServerMethodsUnit1; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, DSServer, DBXJSON; var GG: array[0..8] of array[0..8] of Integer; const QQ:array[0..8] of integer=(0,0,0,3,3,3,6,6,6); var GG2: TJSONObject; type {$METHODINFO ON} JSShuDu = class(TPersistent) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } function EchoString(Value: string): string; function JieSuan(shudu: string): TJSONObject; end; {$METHODINFO OFF} function IsValid(i,j:integer):boolean; procedure calc(n:integer); function OutGG: TJSONObject; procedure SetGG(shudu: string); implementation //检查九宫格是否合格 function IsValid(i,j:integer):boolean; var n,t,u:integer; begin Result:=true; n:=GG[i,j]; for t := 0 to 9 - 1 do if(((t<>i) and (GG[t,j]=n)) or ((t<>j) and (GG[i,t]=n))) then result:=false; for t := QQ[i] to QQ[i]+2 do for u := QQ[j] to QQ[j] +2 do if(((t<>i) or (u<>j)) and (GG[t,u]=n)) then result:=false; end; //解算九宫格 procedure calc(n:integer); var i,j,k:integer; begin if(n=81) then begin GG2 := OutGG; Exit; end; i:=n div 9; j:=n mod 9; if(GG[i,j]<>0) then begin calc(n+1); exit; end; for k := 0 to 9 - 1 do begin GG[i,j]:=GG[i,j]+1; if(IsValid(i,j)) then begin calc(n+1); end; end; GG[i,j]:=0; end; //以JSON格式将九宫格输出 function OutGG: TJSONObject; var I: Integer; j,temp: Integer; begin Result := TJSONObject.Create; temp := 1; for I := 0 to 9 - 1 do for j := 0 to 9 - 1 do begin Result.AddPair(TJSONPair.Create('id'+IntToStr(temp),IntToStr(GG[i,j]))); temp := temp+1; end; end; //初始化九宫格数组 procedure SetGG(shudu: string); var I: Integer; j: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 9 - 1 do for j := 0 to 9 - 1 do begin GG[i,j] := StrToInt(Copy(shudu,1,1)); shudu := Copy(shudu,2,Length(shudu)-1); end; end; function JSShuDu.JieSuan(shudu: string): TJSONObject; begin SetGG(shudu); calc(0); Result := GG2; end; function JSShuDu.EchoString(Value: string): string; begin Result := Value; end; end.
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